Sunday, May 24, 2015

It Never Ends...

This should have been a post about progress on the master bath.

But it's not.

The light over the island in the kitchen has been acting strangely over the past couple of weeks.

It would occasionally flicker.

Or s l o w l y  turn on after flipping the switch.

In the latter case, there was a slight delay which gradually became longer.

Finally, the delay became infinite (OK, technically it wasn't infinite; I got tired of waiting...).

I replaced the bulb and still no joy.

So I replaced the stinkin' fixture with one that won't fail.

It's very stylish. ;-)

Now if I can just get this bathroom done so I can drop a bomb in this d!*n kitchen.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

New Master Bath - Part 2

Last weekend, after I finished patching the sub-floor, I started hanging drywall.

SWMBO was out of town lying on the beach with her girlfriends...

So I recruited Little Man and SWMBO, Jr. to help hang the sheets on the ceiling.  Over the course of the day, we managed to get most of the ceiling done.  It's a lot easier with a lift, but we only needed to hang 3 full-size sheets.

We also managed to get a couple of pieces on the wall before picking up SWMBO at the airport.

It was a busy week with other goings on (see

Needless to say, not much else got done this week.

Until this weekend.

In between the other weekend activities, I managed to get the rest of the sheets hung on the walls.  I also got the exterior of the shower stall done.

My Rotozip makes quick work of the holes that need to be cut.  The bits are quite fragile however; they break on a pretty regular basis.  I have the shop-vac attachment which really helps keep the amount of dust to a minimum.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

New Master Bath - Part 1A

Earlier today I finished laying the sub-floor in the shower.  It's built up 3/4-inch above the floor in the rest of the room, but that's OK.  The shower pan would have forced it to a different height anyway.  At least we now have solid backing over the entire space.

I also pieced in sub-floor chunks in the rest of the room.

In addition, I made some minor mechanical adjustments - the HVAC duct openings needed to be extended out past the furring strips, the attic's electrical feeder cable needed to be stapled down, and the same for the AC drain tube.

I have a little electrical rough-in to clean up, but that will extend into the hallway (I want to get rid of some of the knob-and-tube in the hallway).

However, there's a big stack of drywall in the hallway that needs to be moved first.  Might as well hang it if I'm going to move it...