Sunday, January 29, 2012

More Treasures

We spent a good part of the day cleaning up so the woodwork can get sprayed this week.

While cleaning one of the radiators, She Who Must Be Obeyed found this thing stuck between the radiator and the wall.

It was jammed in there pretty tight, so it took me a while to find the right tool that would hook the fabric and allow me to pull it out.

It looks like one of those tubes of buckwheat that you can heat up and wrap around your sore neck. And it has a stylish plaid flannel cover. Who knows how it ended up there.

We'll add it to the other treasures we've found and the $1.68 we have in lint-covered change from the laundry room.

They'll make a fabulous prize pool for something. I'm not sure what...

1 comment:

  1. Probably someone used to ehat it on the radiator and one day it slipped behind the rad.
