Saturday, March 10, 2012

The 1980s

Maybe I should title this post "Still More Sconces"...

Thursday night I installed these in the back halls - upstairs and down.  And it being a really old house, sometimes(!)  you run into really old wiring...  (Like I said, it was a busy day.)

We'd found these sconces a long time ago, but there's nothing like a deadline to force things to get done.

Sorry for that long aside.  The point of the post was that the 1980's were a bad time for a lot of things.

Including this house.

If you look closely around the sconce, you can see the old wall color poking through.




Not a subdued Victorian Teal.

A bright 1980s - TEAL!

A smack in the face like a handful of "Hai Karate"...

Now the image of Olivia Newton-John doing Jazzercize in leg warmers and a headband in this hallway is seared into my brain.


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