Sunday, December 23, 2012

Primitive Pete

Anyone else remember "Primitive Pete"?  He was a cartoon character that always used the wrong tool or used a tool in the wrong way.  Usually with the expected bad result.

Well, some of Pete's handiwork can be seen in the photo on the right.  Yup, rather than a collar ring there's a nail holding the light's canopy in place.  It's awesome that someone went to the trouble of painting the nail so that it matched the canopy.

All this because...  behind the canopy are the mounting bar and threaded rod.  And they are so corroded that they aren't adjustable.  I have a box full of them.  You get at least one with every light fixture you buy.  And you can get them at any hardware store or home center for less than the loose change in your pocket.  This.  Instant.

Wow.  I'm wishing I had a Tardis so that I could travel back in time to see/hear the decision making that went into this.

The next picture on the right shows the fixture that utilized this wonderful bit of handiwork.

As I've said before with other things around here; it didn't quite fit.

It's too small, so the scale wasn't quite right with the house and the space at the front entry.

The color was all wrong as well.  I don't mind verdigris in general, but it's the only thing that color anywhere on the grounds.

And the style was a little off as well.

The new one, pictured next, came in late last week.  After spending some quality time on the ladder outside today, I'm glad to be sitting by the fire writing this post.

Once again, we'd been looking off-and-on for a long time.  We found one we liked and ordered it.  When we called six weeks later to check if it was in, we were informed that it had been discontinued.  Another salesperson on my naughty list...

This one we found at a different store.  ;-)

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