Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Name Game

bobeche, bobeche, bo-obeche
Banana-fana fo-fobeche

Unfortunately during the biweekly cleaning routine a few weeks ago, one of our bobeches broke. It was a gift we'd received years ago and have no idea where it was from. As a result, we had trouble finding a matching replacement even though we did a lot of searching.

We decided to change gears and take advantage of the situation. So we moved the various bobeches around onto different candlesticks. The last piece of the puzzle was to buy a pair of bobeches to replace the broken one. These would coordinate better with a different set of candlesticks that were now bobeche-free.

The order was placed and they arrived yesterday.

This morning I installed the crystals onto the bobeche and put the resulting ensemble onto the candlesticks.


P.S. - Bobeche is a French word. For pronunciation hints compare and contrast "cache" (a collection of items stored in a hidden place) vs "cachet" (the state of being admired or respected)...

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