Sunday, January 27, 2013

More Random Bits of Hardware

Not long ago, while looking for something else (isn't that always the case!), I found a half dozen pieces of brass hardware and their screws.

Not bagged and labeled; just lying in a pile.  I stood, scratching my head in puzzlement, for a few minutes before it hit me.  Not having a case of ADD, I bagged and labeled them, adding the project to my list for another day.

We have french doors at the entrance to several rooms.  Each side of the door actually bi-folds so that you can have a single-wide entrance with side-lights or a double-wide entrance.  When you close only the one panel, there are latches at both the top and bottom of the door.  The bolt for the top latch goes up into the top of the jamb. The pieces I found are the receivers for the latches at the bottom and fit into the floor in the living room, dining room, and study.

Well almost.

You see, there should be seven, but there were only six.  I have no idea where the seventh one is, so the study is going to live without for now.  Maybe I'll run across it someday.

Judging by their condition, I suspect the guys who did our floors hit them with the sander before figuring out they should be removed.  They didn't bag them or re-install them.  They left that up to me.  Wouldn't bother me if they had told me when they did it...

Four. Years. Ago.

So they needed a bit of love to get rid of the deep scratches for the floor sander.  And, of course, the pockets in the floor needed to be deepened for them to fit again.  Fortunately I already have the proper sized sharp chisel.

Oh, and I discovered that several of the doors don't have a bolt in the bottom latch.

Check one project off the list and discover another...


  1. Isn't that always the case? One project leads to another. But definitely worth it as your home is beautiful.

  2. The 7th one is gone. Probably the only reason they were removed was because they wrecked the sand paper or planning blade.
