Monday, January 21, 2013

Remind Me...

Why do we live here?

It was -10F at 7am; it's downright balmy now. It's not supposed to get above 0F today. This is the first day since we've been in the house where it's not going to get above 0F.

We've been lucky every year until now; this will be a good test of the windows, doors, and new fireplaces. So far no real windows drafts. Further proof a little TLC meant we didn't need to replace these great old windows.

The doors could use better weatherstripping, though. I can feel the wind blowing around the edges... I knew that project was coming at some point.

The fire places are doing awesome, even when they aren't turned on. Just getting the chimneys from leaking has made a huge difference. No more warm air zooming up the chimney or cold air pouring in from the non-functioning damper.

Having said all that, the house originally didn't have central heat. The only heat sources were the four coal-burning fireplaces. They must have been hardy folks back then.

As kid we used to get a 10-day stretch about this time every winter where we'd never get above zero. The mind boggles, because there's no such thing as global warming...

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