Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Pedimented Window - Part 2

After removing the nails holding the screen frames in place (and the other nails distributed randomly about, with heads protruding, and serving no apparent purpose), it was obvious that the screens weren't removed the last time this window was painted. There were big blobs of paint in the gaps between the screen and the frame; all over the hinges; etc. And much of it needs to be scraped off or the storms won't close properly.

(Maybe that's why the screens wouldn't stay closed and needed to be nailed shut - hint, hint... Or maybe it's the missing latch hardware - it's probably in the same place as the missing window stop screws!)

And, of course, the holes for the hinge screws on both the screen frames and the storms are completely stripped out.

Back to the workshop for the materials needed to ream the holes and fill with dowels and glue. I've had lots of practice at this, so it goes easy until...

One of the screw holes in the storm has a framing nail in it. It doesn't appear to be serving a purpose, either. Someone just pounded it into the existing screw hole, but the hole is so loose I can pull it out with my fingers.

So, um..


At any rate, if I find the last missing piece of latch hardware, this project is done. For now...

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