Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cass Gilbert Tour

Several busloads of people with the Cass Gilbert Society came by for a tour today.  They visited several Gilbert buildings around the city, including our house.

Of course, the house isn't done yet - that will take a while - but a number of people enjoyed seeing things that are in progress and comparing the "done" parts of the house to the parts that we haven't touched yet.

It was a nice group of people, though I didn't expect it not to be.  It's nice to hear from people that have an appreciation for the house.

It's times like this that bring the proper perspective and remind me how much we've accomplished.  It's too easy to be focused on what still has to be done.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by.


  1. Wow! Thanks for being part of an amazing tour. It was pure pleasure to see the fun that you are having in your upgrade and restoration project. Liz Blank
